Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has stated that he does not want to be seen as interfering with the findings of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) investigating the appointment of the Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC), Barbara Malimali.
Last week, the lawyer assisting the investigation, Janet Mason, confirmed that she had emailed the Prime Minister requesting an urgent meeting. Prime Minister Rabuka responded yesterday to inquiries about this request, confirming that he has not yet met with Ms. Mason.
"No, I haven't, even though Ms. Mason has contacted me requesting a meeting," Prime Minister Rabuka said. "I don't want to be seen as influencing any outcome of the Commission of Inquiry. I want them to complete their work."
He added, "If they want to meet with me to tell me they need more time (and funds), I will meet with them so that I can inform His Excellency, the President."
Last month, Ms. Mason accused Ms. Malimali of attempting to censor evidence provided by FICAC staff to the Commission of Inquiry.