The Director General (DG) and the Director of Trade of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry have been suspended following allegations that they awarded a 5 million Vatu consultancy contract to a company they jointly owned.
A government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed to the Vanuatu Daily Post that an investigation by the Public Service Commission (PSC) uncovered the alleged conflict of interest. The investigation reportedly showed that the contract was awarded to Prolink Consultancy Group, a company registered with the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC).
Documents obtained by the Vanuatu Daily Post confirm that the company was previously co-owned by the suspended Director General, Jimmy Rantes, and the suspended Director of Trade, Noel Kalo.
Government sources stated that the investigation substantiated the allegations, leading to the suspension of the two officials. "This case highlights serious breaches of ethical standards, raising concerns about conflicts of interest, abuse of power, and lack of integrity within the department," the government insider stated. "It erodes public trust and accountability when individuals in positions of leadership exploit their authority for personal gain."
Authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to transparency and accountability, emphasizing that unethical conduct within the public service will not be tolerated. In the meantime, the suspended Director General and Director have indicated that they will respond to the allegations in their formal letters to the Public Service Commission regarding their suspensions.