Police are urging all parents and guardians to closely monitor the whereabouts of their children, especially during the ongoing national secondary school athletics competitions held across the country. This appeal follows a missing person report involving a 14-year-old student who failed to return home on time, but the student has now been found.
Police stated, "We located her at a school event and have arranged for her to be reunited with her family." Emphasizing the importance of communication, police are urging parents and guardians to continually stress this with their children to ensure their safety, given the significant secondary school sporting events taking place nationwide.
Police expressed their gratitude to #TeamFiji for sharing the information request regarding the whereabouts of 14-year-old Elesi Wainivesi, who had previously been reported missing at the Nasinu Police Station. Simultaneously, the police also thanked the public for sharing the previous post, which has now been removed since the missing person has been located.