Detectives recover four diamond earrings two weeks after suspect swallowed them during arrest

2025-03-22 02:13:00

Abstract: Stolen $770K Tiffany earrings recovered after a Florida arrest. The suspect swallowed them; all four matching stolen serial numbers were retrieved.

Police announced on Friday that they had recovered four Tiffany & Co. diamond earrings, valued at nearly $1.2 million ($770,000), that a suspected thief swallowed two weeks after his arrest alongside a highway in the Florida Panhandle. This successful recovery marks a significant step in resolving the high-profile theft case.

The Orlando Police Department stated on Friday that the last of the four earrings stolen from the Orlando Tiffany's store was recovered from the suspect last week. This followed the recovery of three other stolen earrings, along with two additional unidentified diamond earrings, two days prior. The suspect was transferred from jail to a hospital while detectives waited to collect evidence, according to a police statement, ensuring proper handling of the delicate situation.

Detectives stated that the four recovered earrings matched the serial numbers of the jewelry stolen from the Tiffany's store last month. After the jewelry was recovered, the man, from Texas, was taken to the Orange County Jail, where he will face charges of robbery with a mask and grand theft in the first degree, underscoring the severity of his alleged crimes.

During the alleged theft, the man reportedly told Tiffany's sales staff that he was interested in purchasing diamond earrings and a diamond ring on behalf of a player from the Orlando Magic basketball team. The sales staff took the man to a VIP room so that he could view the jewelry, providing him with a private and exclusive experience. Shortly thereafter, he jumped up from the chair, grabbed the jewelry, and attempted to force his way out of the door, leading to a chaotic escape attempt.

Detectives obtained the license plate number of the suspect's car through security footage from the shopping mall and believed he was driving back to Texas. Orlando police reported that state troopers tracked the car through license plate readers on the Florida Turnpike and Interstate 10 until he was stopped in Washington County for not having his rear lights on, a location nearly 550 kilometers from Orlando, highlighting the effectiveness of the tracking efforts.

According to the arrest report, in the police car, a state trooper heard the suspect say, "I should have thrown them out the window." At the Washington County Jail, he asked staff, "Will I be charged for what's in my stomach?" revealing a level of concern and awareness of the legal implications of his actions.